A private message from Ben Bradley, creator of Erect On Command...

Attention Men Age 40+

Accelerate & Super Charge
Your Results With "Erect On Command" Almost Overnight
With A Brand-New "10 Second Ritual" That Supports Enhanced Energy, Vitality and Rock-Hard Sexual Power!

Read this message jackass because this is the ONLY time you will see this opportunity...

Dear friend,

You made an extremely important decision to try out Erect On Command.

One day soon, you’ll look back on this as the day you took action and put yourself on the path to radically improving your health, confidence and sexual performance.


Before we go to the Members Area and get started, I want to share with you a
brand-new "10 Second Ritual" that is proven to accelerate & multiply your results.

In just seconds per day, this health transforming ritual will turn everything you thought possible about aging and the human body upside down...

And you'll do this without any change of your diet or even a single minute of exercise.

I want to show you a brand-new supplement formulated in the USA that we call PX7: Primal Power.

Primal Power contains all of the key ingredients you will learn about in the Erect On Command program...

Yet Primal Power takes your results to the next level and makes your success 10x easier...

Because each capsule contains additional, all-natural, maximum-strength ingredients to create a formula that can easily double, even triple your results...

Without you having to do any "work" whatsoever.

  • Just take two capsules per day as part of your morning or after-dinner routine.
  • When you add Primal Power to your order, there is no need to shop for ingredients, measure the correct dosages, or even mix a drink.
  • Swallow two capsules and you’re done in just seconds.

And you'll not only feel the results almost overnight...you'll see them in the mirror as you renew your health and appearance and "rewind" yourself back to the days of your youthful prime...


While freeing yourself from stress, anxiety, fatigue and "brain fog"... Bullet proofing your immune system...

And going harder & lasting longer in bed than any man you know...even men who are years or even decades younger.

Before I Reveal The All-Natural, Explosively Powerful and Completely Safe "Primal Power" Formula, You Just Need To Know This...

Erect On Command will get you the results you want, as long as you follow the instructions in the program...

Yet after gathering feedback from our 57,500+ members (this number skyrockets every day), I realized that many of them wanted an even faster fix.

Some members also told me they wanted something "easier" they could use when they’re too busy to mix up the Erect On Command blend...

And other men, while they were thrilled with the results they were getting from Erect On Command, were curious if there were any other ingredients they could add for some "extra firepower."

Dr. Mustafa

So, I decided to plunge back into my research and figure out a nutrition-packed supplement that would work along with Erect On Command and provide even faster, more powerful benefits.

I reached out to my old friend in Egypt, Dr. Mustafa, who had shown me the original Erect On Command blend that saved my marriage and restored my manhood...

And I Asked Him,

"What Can We Do For My Erect On Command Customers Who Want Faster, Easier and Even BIGGER Results?"


He told me about more natural, closely-guarded ingredients that have been used for thousands of years to keep men hard and healthy into their 70s, 80s and beyond...

Do THAT and you'll get BIG RESULTS...

But they are NOT talked about in the Western world.

You'll also hear from some of the men who email me every day to rave about how this formula has transformed their lives...

In a moment I'll share these ingredients with you, along with the amazing "synergy effects" that occur when they are combined into one formula.

And how they're giving their wives, girlfriends and lovers mind-blowing pleasure and complete satisfaction like they've never experienced from any other man.


The Formula Is Called

PX7: Primal Power

And In Just Seconds Per Day You Can Combine This With Erect On Command For Even Faster, Maximum-Strength Results.

  • Just take two capsules per day as part of your morning or after-dinner routine, and let this proven combination of natural, manhood-boostingingredients work their magic.
  • With PX7: Primal Power, there is no need to shop for ingredients, measure the dosages, or even mix a drink.
  • Just swallow two capsules, and you’re done in seconds...

And Once You Experience Your Own Astonishing,
Rock-Hard Results, You’ll Know Exactly Why
It’s Called "Primal Power."

Our community of members (57,500+ and growing rapidly every day) says that when you combine what you discover inside the ED Elixir program with Primal Power, the results are even faster and more explosive.

It’s why I’m getting emails like this every day, from grateful and excited men...

testimonial 1 testimonial 2 testimonial 3

The "PX7 On The Bottle Means This Formula Contains Seven Key "Super Ingredients" Which Combine To Give You "Extreme Performance" Capabilities.

Among the seven "super ingredients" in this formula you will find...

Vitamin B3

Science shows that every part of your body needs this nutrient to function properly, and it’s known to help lower cholesterol, ease arthritis, reverse high blood pressure and boost brain function...

But we especially love this "miracle nutrient" for being a vasodilator,which means it expands your blood vessels and promotes blood flow. The result?A stronger rush of blood to your penis when it’s time for action...and thicker, harder and larger erections.

Chinese Ginseng

Over thousands of years, practitioners of Chinese medicine have used this amazing "super herb" to promote health and longevity.

It’s also said to improve sexual stamina and mental concentration, while reducing stress, lowering blood sugar and boosting the immune system.

Oat Straw

Not only is this ingredient great for your heart—it also supports sharper thinking and enhanced focus by increasing blood flow to the brain, while reducing inflammation and stress and strengthening the nervous system and sexual function.

Saw Palmetto

This is another "secret weapon" we had to include, since research shows Saw Palmetto supports prostate health, firmer erections and improved stamina...while increasing testosterone levels and even preventing hair loss.


The spicy cayenne pepperhas been called "the king of medicinal herbs" because it has been used as a medicine in the jungles of South America going back thousands of years.

The benefits of this unusually powerful, all-natural ingredient—which is also packed with antioxidants—includes speeding up your metabolism (to promote fat loss), reducing hunger cravings, and aiding with digestion and pain relief.

You won’t taste it, but we’ve included a dose of Cayenne in every capsule of Primal Power because it also "spices up" your sex life by improving circulation and blood flow...giving you those raging "hard as steel" erections you enjoyed in your younger years.

Those are just five of the ingredients in every power-packed bottle of Primal Power. Beyond those, each and every capsule of Primal Power contains an assortment of other ingredients which each contain their own science-backed benefits.

Taking any one of these nutrients on their own will be beneficial, yet it’s when they are combined into one capsule that you get the full, maximum-strength effects.

Every capsule of Primal Power is manufactured here in the USA under the most sterile, strict, FDA-approved standards.

herbal medicine

This formula is 100% all natural, non-GMO, and completely safe...and on this private page, you can access to this health-transforming formulabefore anyone else.

PX7: Primal Power is NOT available to the general public yet, for reasons I’ll share with you in a moment...

And There Are Two Reasons Why The Price On This Page Is Much Lower Than You’re Probably Expecting...

  • Reason #1: Right now I want to get Primal Power into the hands of as many of our members as possible because we’re looking to add more success stories to this page.

But I urge you to act now, because we’re close to running out of stock, and once that happens this web page will disappear from the internet...

And the next time you see Primal Power for sale, the price is likely to be double the amounton this page, or quite possibly even more.

  • Reason #2: I'm able to offer this to you at today's amazing pricing because I’ve been able to eliminate the "middlemen" who tack on extra costs.

You see, for this special "members only" offer, I was able to partner directly with a highly respected USA supplement manufacturer so that we can ship directly to you, right away.

Those are the reasons whyI’m not going to ask for upwards of $200 per bottle, which is the amount that marketing experts told me I should charge.

In fact, because I don’t want price to stand in your way, I won’t ask you for even half of that.

Right now, on this page, you can get a one bottle, 30-day supply of Primal Power for a simple one-time fee of just $69.

Yet before you order, you should know this: research shows it's best to take Primal Power consistently for at least 90 to 180 days to experience optimal results.

This is why I can also offer you an even more incredible discount if you take this opportunity to order 90 days worth of Primal Power, or 180 days worth. This will save you even more money on top of today's special low pricing.

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Just remember, as with everything else you've ordering today, I want to remove all of the risk from you and put it on my shoulders.

I'm So Confident

You'll Experience Fast, Life-Changing Results

That I’m Not Just Going To Promise Your Success...I'm Going To Literally Guarantee It.

When you try PX7:Primal Power today, you’re covered by a 60 day,No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Take it for a test drive and remember this: you are risking nothing.

If trying out this breakthrough formula doesn't turn out to be the best decision you've ever made, or if you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, just let us know anytime in the next 60 days.

We'll refund your payment right away. Every penny. No questions asked.

There's simply zero risk on your part. The only risk you could possibly face is the one of regret, if you miss this one-time-only opportunity to experience this life-changing formula.

You’ve got 60 days...two full months...to test drive the powerful impact this formula will have on your health, energy, appearance,relationships and sexual drive and pleasure. Then decide.

You've Come This Far, So I Know You’re Committed To Getting Massive Results...

And this is why I urge you to claim this one-time-only opportunity to take Primal Power for a test drive,totally risk-free.

This means no shopping for ingredients. No guesswork. No making this difficult on yourself...

No telling yourself you "just don’t have time" to shop for ingredients and mix up a batch of the ED Elixir drink every day...

Today is the day you’re making a stand, and saying no more excuses...

And this is why, as one of our VIP members, you’re getting this chance that the general public does NOT have access to.

With a bottle of Primal Power in your kitchen, or next to your bed, you simply take two capsules per day with a sip of water...

And you’ll enjoy all of the manhood-boosting effects of ED Elixir, plus even moresafe, all-natural ingredients...

Ingredients that have known to other civilizations for hundreds and even thousands of years for their ability to super-charge male sexual power and "rewind" you back to your youthful physical prime.

Now it's time to select your money-saving package below and experience this for yourself. Select your money saving package below and take advantage of today's 100% risk free opportunity.

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